Monday, February 4, 2008


I love my girls! Before my mom headed to NY (until May this time), she was over at our house one day to visit. She got the girls standing on the stool and brushing their teeth at the same time. I had to get a picture! They're good buddies - Maddie has been especially kind and shares so easily with Abigail now! It's so CUTE to see Madeline with a baggie of treats, passing them over to Abigail in their carseats in the rear view mirror! They can't really see each other well, but they can reach their hands out to one another to give and grab a marshmallow. I love it!

Boxes are great toys, huh? :)

My visiting teacher, Kasey Roberts, gave me some tulips! I love her! I love these flowers! I think tulips are my most favorite flower now! I never really had a favorite flower before - even with a name like mine - but now I find myself wanting to get more as their week of blossoming into abstract, organic shapes has faded. I'm addicted to buying tulips now (see, I bought some purple ones in the photo of Maddie and Benson). Speaking of those two kiddos - they are so funny together! They get along well, and they can also fight like siblings, but work it out and still like to play together. They leave with hugs.

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