Friday, March 14, 2008

My week's accomplishment

It's a bummer that I didn't make it out to the TJEd discussion last night, and I just placed my order online for The Lonesome Gods book (cheaper than in the store) for next month's discussion!

So the thing I've accomplished this week is sorting through toys. Since we've got to pack up the house in April and since I'll be recovering from sinus surgery, I thought I'd get a head start. It was tough - I brought all the toys into the dining room (they were packed up in the garage and crawl space - tons and tons!) and just let the girls play with all of them. They were so excited to see all this "new" stuff. I even forgot about a lot of those toys! So I did that on Thursday and seriously, the house NEVER EVER looked that bad, ever. Side note, but there's a point: last night I was watching a house flipping show and this house was bought as a foreclosure. It looked terrible - the previous owners trashed the place, they left broken furniture, food was everywhere, lighting fixtures were hanging by their wires, and crayon was all over the walls (I guess that's the thing to do if the bank's gonna take it back anyway, right? Not.). And I thought, "man, that's what my house looks like!" So, worse than a tornado-type mess.

I couldn't stand to see the MESS today, so I just went through all the toys and picked out the ones I saw the girls playing with the most. Those went into a pile and all the rest got their photo taken and put into a box for my sister-in-law to pick through before I sell them at our garage sale in May. It was kinda sad for me to let some of the toys go. I had to sort through our "keep" pile a few times just because I put things in there for myself. Dawn Matteson said that I should take pictures of the toys that I was getting rid of that had sentimental value. Good idea! So, now I've got a bunch of pictures instead of the bulky toys. The house is so much more peaceful and I feel a big burden has been lifted.

It's funny that all this material stuff can weigh me down. It felt so good to take that huge box out to the garage, bittersweet I suppose, but very liberating. It's spring cleaning time, so get out there and clean a room, clean a cupboard or even the junk drawer. Trust me, you'll feel like you've accomplished so much.


Kim said...

Thanks so much for posting and linking to our site. I loved your post. You have inspired me to clean out my family room today. I love the idea about the pictures. That is great. Thanks for inspiring all of us.

Amy said...

Awesome! I'm going to clean out my junk drawer! Thanks for the inspiration...

Stephanie said...

Hey...I totally need to do this too. I've spoiled my kids with toys. :-[ I have been frusterated by the level of toy mess, and really want to thin them out. I have the same connection you were talking about. But I also have the feeling of the toys being a burden weighing heavily on my shoulders. Two years ago I went through a lot of my old stuff...even back to elementary school and things I was emotionally connected to, I too took pictures of. I find that I need to do that again. I just have too much stuff! (And sadly, it has me.)

I love ya girl!