Thursday, March 13, 2008

Photos for Grandma

Here are some recent, random photos. Maddie & cousins at swim class, Abbie coloring (I need to do something with those bangs!), playing outside, and the girls playing with a HUGE box of's now all over the house...
Miss you and love you mom!


The Mattesons said...

Your mom is going to melt...that little Abbie was just too cute! And of course so was Maddie. I know I say this all the time, but you have got the cutest girls!!!

Kim said...

I guess I can never get my comment right on the first try, so here goes again. The pictures are so cute. I love that Maddie is in the box and all the toys are on the floor. That is just what my kids would do.
By the way we missed you at book club tonight. Sorry you couldn't make it. We had a good discussion. We are discussing Lonesome Gods next month.