Friday, August 22, 2008

The first week of law school

As I check friends' blogs, I see all these wonderful photos of their kids' first day of school. They're happy to have their backpacks filled with fun supplies and are all dressed so cute! Well, here are Jeremy's "first day" photos as he was coming in the door from school. He said he couldn't smile, but wanted to cry. He's doing better as of today...

Jeremy started his first week at Washburn Law on Monday. I waited to post any "first day of school" photos because I had hope that I would have something uplifting to post...

The 1L (1st year) students started a week early for some orientation and a taste of what's to come. He had reading assignments, briefs to prepare, study group, and one of his 5 classes where the prof. got right into the Socratic method of teaching (scary!). He was very overwhelmed the first day, but it has gotten better each day, however, it's going to only get worse when school really starts next week. One of his professors said, "Go home and talk to your family and tell them goodbye." Yikes!

It's going to be an intense year and I just hope we (me and the girls) are not a big distraction. We plan to have at least some family time at dinner and just before the girls go to bed. Other than that, Jeremy will be studying. He expects to study at least 50 hours a week and he'll most likely have about 60 pages of reading a week...for EACH class. He's got 5 classes.

We went to a new student picnic this evening and the Dean gave a brief address to the group. He was saying that certain doctors he knows make lawyer jokes to him and that we'll probably face the same thing. He had a great rebuttal for that: he just tells the doctors that while their fore bearers were using leeches to practice bloodletting, our (lawyers') fore bearers were writing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution! It was said in such a way that it made me want to be a lawyer!

We know that law school is a good choice, but it's not always going to be an easy road. We'll keep you updated as the weeks pass.


Kim said...

Those pictures are so funny. Poor Jeremy. Tell him we are all pulling for him and you. It sounds like so much work. The time will go by fast though. My sister's husband just finished optomitry school and she said it went by so fast. Good luck. You'll do great.
The Lowry Fam.

The Mattesons said...

I had to laugh at the first picture and the first paragraph! Poor Jeremy and poor you. It's not any fun only seeing "glimpses" of your hubby, just be sure to make the most of them and you will get through it. It will all go well and fast I am sure. Good luck to you both!

Love and miss you guys!

Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Jeremy is such a good man I'm sure he will make the most of his time with you and the kids. Good luck to all of you. His work load sounds outrageous. You are a great wife to support him in this. We know he will be successful.

Amy said...

He's going to do great! Your entry reminded me a little of flight school for Jake! 3 LONG crazy years! The first year he was required to be at work for 12 hours a day 5 days a week, plus the hours and hours of studying afterwards! It was insane!!! But it was the best thing he ever did and SO rewarding!!
And although most of the other people going through had no children (We had 2 and Sam was born along the way), it was really great for Jake to have his family with him.
We could provide support to him that many of the other students lacked. We could give him small moments of distraction and sometimes he really needed that!!
I'm so glad you you guys are following your dreams!! It will all be worth it!

Star Gazer said...

Congrats on law school! :) The first semester is always the worst, it will get better, I promise!