Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A train that delivers your order?

Today I met with some friends from the JRC-wives group in the park for a picnic and playground time with the kiddos. Someone had mentioned a restaurant in Kansas City that the kids would have a blast at. I found the link - it's Fritz's Railroad Restaurant. This is now on our to do list while we're here. Looks like a lot of fun!


The Mattesons said...

Now you make me want to move to New Mexico even more where cool things like getting your food delivered on a train happen! Thanks for the email, it has helped us a lot.

Stacey said...

I am glad you found the link. I thought it was something with an "F" but I just couldn't remember the name for sure. Looks like it would be so fun though, don't you think??! I am glad you found the site for it!

Muir Family said...

I'm glad you found it too. We should all plan a day and would be a blast. My little Jack LOVES trains!!! Glad to have you guys here!!