Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rainy Afternoon

Thunderstorms were in the forecast today - I was actually thrilled because it meant that it wouldn't be too hot. There was a big downpour, then it just sprinkled a bit and the girls wanted to play in it. I didn't see lightning or hear thunder, so I let them get geared up in their raincoats and boots. They loved it...well, Maddie more so than Abigail.

Here's Abbie trying to get back into the house...do you think her coat is still a bit too big? Poor thing can't look sideways without getting blinded!
Maddie loves it! Abbie has now sat down to kick off her boots and whine.
Abigail just wanted her coat off after all. I let the girls draw on the dry steps with the chalk. That was the condition - only on DRY pavement. Well, I went back to cooking (this was right off the kitchen/dining room so I could keep an eye on them). I checked on them shortly after because it got quiet - note that quiet play with my girls equals trouble. They were both soaking the chalk in puddles and drawing on themselves. It was all over their clothes, legs, even the top of Madeline's hood!
After washing up, Abigail decided it was time to play with the canned goods. See the look I'm getting? Yes Abbie, it's ok :)
Oh yeah, you may be wondering why she's in a swimsuit. She loves to wear it around the house. Either that or she carries it around with her. She sleeps with it too. Don't worry though, I tie it up in knots so she won't get it tangled around her neck. Anyhow, she started cleaning up a bit and decides to try building a tower of cans.

She gets four high, they tumble, and she continues cleaning. She's such a big helper! Most times I don't even need to ask her to help, she sees the need and fulfills it. Amazing.

How can I get Madeline to model that behavior without saying, "hey, look at your sister, she's helping, why can't you?" or "Abigail, can you eat like Maddie by NOT throwing food everywhere?" I try to encourage good behavior by pointing out what the other is doing in a nice way, but I still worry that I'm doing it wrong. I want to say things in the right way so they're not growing up always comparing themselves to one another that would make them feel bad about themselves. The worries of motherhood...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I most certainly agree with you about quiet play...when I realize it's quiet I think..."Oh Lord, what did they get into."

Sarah is a good cleaner upper too...and her big sister sometimes takes advantage of that. "Come on Sarah, Mommy said you have to clean up..."

As far as acknowledging the other's good behavior, I do it too. Sometimes Sarah won't eat much, but we found that if we pretend she's a kitty cat...she eats more. LOL! Ah...sweet success. Funny how sometimes you think, "I'd never do that." And then you become a parent and are faced with certain situations and think...ok...I'll try anything. It definitely makes for great stories when they're old. Now to work on my mommy brain so I can remember the stories when the girls are older!

P.S. You're doing a good job at being a mommy. As long as you follow through with what you say, they'll learn (as my girls are learning) if you don't eat at dinner time...you don't eat dinner. Or if you don't clean up your toys, you don't have toys.