Saturday, September 13, 2008


We found this spider spinning a huge web outside our front window and I have no idea what it is. The girls and I have been watching it for a few days now. The huge rainstorm we had demolished its web, but it rebuilt it. I threw a shrub branch into the web to show the girls that it'll attack whatever lands in the web (I actually tore part of the web down doing this), but it amazingly got rid of the branch and rebuilt again. I want it gone, but Jeremy says to let it be. I took a couple pictures and tried to identify it online and am now totally creeped out by all the spider photos I just looked at. I think I'll put it in a jar for the girls so observe it up close and then set it free - far away from our front door.

Here's looking at its underside. Gross.

And again...
And here's one I found online that I thought matched - it was unidentified, but it has the same orange "armpits", black and yellow striped legs and the two white dots on its back end. So gross!


A. Pearce said...

Wow ... that spider is HUGE! Yikes! Good luck finding out what it is. ~ Amor

Stephanie said...

We have this kind of spider (Or at least that looks like this) all around out house. They are nasty. And then visit this link Look at the Garden Orb spider (top left picture)

Stephanie said...

Here are 2 links to pics I took of one of them on our deck.

It might not be the same...but it's gross anyway! lol

The Mattesons said...

It would so be dead if it was at my house...especially since I just watched Aracnaphobia for the first time the other day! KILL IT...or take it far, far, far away and set it free. The girls may be less traumatized if you set it free! We sure miss you! How are you feeling? Keep us updated.

Love and Miss,
Dawn and the boys

Stacey said...

I would have killed it too! I hate spiders. But now it makes me want to know what kind that is and if it is dangerous! So keep us posted if you find anything out about it. Cute new blog background by the way!

Alan and Lynette said...

EWWW! I'm really freaked out right now!! I HATE spiders...and now you've got me thinking about all the types of spiders I've been seeing around the house!!! I'm gonna get bit and lose a limb or something... :(

Michelle Johnston said...

I really dont like spiders. I dont mind the smaller black ones that are easy to smash, but the big hairy unidentified monsters are very unwelcome, and very much in season right now! Yuck! By the way, your "O" plaque turned out REALLY cute. I have yet to put mine up. In fact, I made it for a future music room (20 yrs down the road), how sad is that? See you soon.