Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tummy Shot

For all who have been asking...mostly those in Alaska...here you go! 31 weeks down, 9 to go, and I'm so ready already :) The pregnancy is going very well, but I'm just worn out from carrying all this extra poundage out front (especially since we now have a multi-story house that I get to walk up and down all day long) and occasionally a child or two on my hip...


Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Ohh, you look so cute. I'm so excited for you guys. Can't wait to see the new baby!

Amy said...

You look great! Kim took her first tummy shot of the pregnancy right before they left for the hospital... She said she'd wished she'd done a couple more :)

Stephanie said...

Dahlia, you look great! My have you blossomed! Pregnant women are a beautiful sight, especially knowing the gift they carry. Do you have a name picked out yet?

I love you!

The Mattesons said...

You look beautiful! We sure miss you guys a ton! Is Jeremy still rooting for the name Rueben?! We went to story time today and it just wasn't the same without you! Give the girls a hug and kiss from us!