Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fieldstone Orchard

Today we went with a group of ladies from church to Fieldstone Orchard to pick apples for canning. We each got a bucket lined with a huge bag (about 1/2 a bushel's worth of apples) for $12.50...which comes to about 55 cents/lb...good deal, huh? We rode in golf carts to the designated Johnagold apple picking spot. After picking about 1/3 of the bucket there, some friends and I decided to venture further up the orchard to the Macoun apple row (which is Martha Stewart's favorite apple for pies we were told) and got a bunch there. We picked from a few other trees, not really knowing what the apples were at times or how we're going to tell the apples apart once we get them home, but we picked what tasted best. We were in the orchard for a couple hours just eating and picking. It was such a beautiful day and we all really enjoyed ourselves. Now the canning'll be quite some work, but so nice to have these yummy apples during the winter!!
I thought it would be cute to have us all wear our Alaska Grown t-shirts to pick Kansas produce.Abigail loved the small apples. She'd even eat the seeds before I could get them out!
Here's one just the right height.
She was such a good sampler. I think the girls ate at least a dozen apples this morning!Here we are with our bounty!
My friend Sarah and I showing our apple-filled tummies (she's due in January, I've got 5 weeks to go!)
Here's my friend Michelle and her daughter with our girls...everyone's taking a break while waiting for our ride back. The girls LOVED riding in the golf cart!

There were thousands of apples beneath all the trees. Maddie and Abbie had a few spills from tripping on them and I kinda liked the feeling of occasionally stepping on a rotten one - squish!


A. Pearce said...

What fun! Let me know how Martha Stewart's favorite apple pie apples turn out ... mmm, apple pie. Enjoy! ~ Amor

Kim said...

That sounds like so much fun and yummy too. I can't believe how warm it looks there. It is hard for me to imagine anything but winter since that is what we have, but I'm not bitter (okay, maybe I am a little bitter). Thanks for the all the nice comments you always leave me. I love looking at your blog and seeing all the fun things you guys are doing. Keep posting and we are so excited to see that new baby. Soon, right.

Stephanie said...

That is so cool!! You're looking like the pie's ready to come out of the oven any day now! (I bet you're feelin' it too.) It would be great to have delicious apples all winter long...or at least at Christmas (hint hint!) ROFL! It looks like you guys had fun.

Amy said...

That looks like so much fun! Totally jealous here!

Make sure you show a picture of that pie!

Caleb and Casey said...

I'm so jealous. I love having yummy apples to can and dry. How far away was the place you went to get the apples? It makes me want to go and get some too. Good luck with the canning and the scrumptious apple pie.

Alan and Lynette said...

We were debating going. I had no idea the deals were THAT good! That's awesome! You and your girls are sooo cute!

Stacey said...

That looks like fun!! You are going to have to teach me how to can. Your girls are so cute. I love the pic of Abby with her big smile and a chunk out of the apple!