Saturday, October 4, 2008

Madeline's Ballet Recital

We signed Maddie up for a ballet class through Parks & Recreation to see how she'd like it before committing to a real ballet class that costs way more. On Saturday, she had her last class and a recital. OK, so it wasn't a formal recital per se, but the teacher had each girl show what she learned in the 5 Saturdays of classes. It was cute to watch Madeline shyly make her way across the "stage"...she wasn't used to having such a big audience of parents. She would scrunch up her nose and point at us when she saw we were watching her, meaning that we should look away. I always find it easier to speak, sing, perform, etc. in front of strangers than in front of my family too.
Walking on tippy toes...not sure of the ballet term - releve is it?She needed a bit help balancing while doing a passe . And here she is relaxing after that stressful pass. Just glad we put shorts on under her dress...


The Mattesons said...

Way to go Maddie!!! How cute is she?! Good planning on mom and dad's part about putting shorts on under her dress!

Stacey said...

That is so cute!! I bet she loves it there.