Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ward Halloween Party

We had our ward party tonight - the potato bar, games, trunk-or-treating, and socializing with so many costumed friends was wonderful. We did lose Maddie at the end during the trunk-or-treating (which was so neat to be able to go outside and get candy without snow gear on)...she escaped Jeremy's eagle eye and we found her inside the gym eating her stash of candy. She got the "someone could take you away" talk...again...
BUT, other than that, we all had a fun time :)

Madeline waving to the adoring crowd as all the Jr. Primary kids graced the stage to show us their costumes.

The adults got to show off their costumes too. I'm a bag of Jelly Belly jellybeans (I won a gold spider ring for the adult ladies costume!) standing on my left is Sarah (the cutest bee ever!) and her husband Justin (a gaucho...he won the best adult male costume).

Maddie giving the thumbs up at the fish pond. She won some smarties :)

Abbie enjoying the best seat in the house - daddy's shoulders are so strong!


The Mattesons said...

I love the Jelly Belly costume and Maddie with the thumbs up is cute. And who wouldn't want to be carried around all night, Abbie had the right idea! The kids got to wear their costumes to the library yesterday and we sure missed a mermaid and a ladybug!

Stephanie said...

How CUTE is that!?!?! What a great idea! I'm sure you're ready for your little jelly bean to come out and meet his family, huh? Love you!

Matt and Amanda Coleman said...

Your Jelly Belly costume is so cute and creative! I love it! We have our ward halloween party tomorrow night, and we will miss you guys. Happy Halloween!

Sarah said...

Your jelly belly costume was so so cute! We kind of wondered what happened to Maddie when Jeremy came by our trunk and asked if we had seen her... glad she was safe and sound! Have fun trick or treating tonight!

A. Pearce said...

I'm loving the Jelly Belly costume! What a clever idea! ~Amor