It took a bit of discussion between Jeremy and I before we agreed on his name, as we had some ideas, but nothing concrete. Brayton is after the street on which the Anchorage LDS Temple is, where Jeremy and I were married for time & eternity. I always thought it would be a good boy's name. Thomas is a family name, however, we gave it to Brayton after our beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson, who was ordained just after we found out we were pregnant.
3:45 PM - I'm in the kitchen looking for something to eat and I feel a kick/pop at the top of my tummy and then 2 seconds later comes a gush. "Uh, water broke!" We quickly pack a bag for me (yes, I totally procrastinated on that one) and the girls and find a place for them to go. Thank you so much Brent & Michelle!!!
4:15 PM - We head out and drop the girls off with the Johnstons then head to the hospital. By now, contractions have started but aren't too bad or too close.
4:30 PM - I'm checked in and go to triage to see if I'm in labor and to monitor contractions and the baby until I can get cleared to head to the labor room.
6:00 PM - I'm in my room and get to walk around a bit before getting strapped into monitors.
6:20 PM - The nurse says I'm dilated to 3cm...not too great of news since I am now in much more pain with each contraction and from the last 2 experiences, I know I've got a ways to go. I let Jeremy go to grab some dinner for himself since I figure I've got time.
7:00 PM - I ask for an epidural (again - I asked for it when I got to triage) and the nurse goes to see where the anesthesiologist is.
7:20 PM - A new nurse arrives and still no epidural...still in pain...bed-gripping, praying for relief, take-your-breath-away pain. I want that epidural!
7:30 PM - The anesthesiologist arrives and gives me an epidural. Jeremy gets back from dinner and gets to watch the procedure.
7:40 PM - I'm in total agony still. My legs are numb, but nothing else and a 2nd anesthesiologist arrives to put in his 2 cents - he says, "If your legs are numb, it's working." No, it's not. I feel EVERYTHING! He assures me it'll kick in. I'm not assured.
7:45 PM - I'm ticked off at the anesthesiologists because I just have numb legs and the contractions are getting way intense. They leave, still assuring me that it will kick in. The nurse decides to check me again and says I'm completely dilated and effaced (which is why the epidural is NOT taking any affect), but she wants another nurse to double-check and calls someone.
7:50 PM - The second nurse checks and concurs with the first nurse; yes, I'm at a 10! Where is the doctor?! They scramble to find Dr. Babin (who was on call that evening) and I'm feeling like I need to push NOW!
7:52 PM - The doctor arrives just in time to deliver Brayton.
7:54 PM - Brayton is here! He was gave a good cry & pinked up right away. It was the quickest labor & delivery thus far. I was a bit disappointed that I had to wait for the failed epidural to wear off so I could feel my legs again, but I was up and at 'em and in a lot less pain afterwards than I was with the girls. Third time's a charm I suppose!
He is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so glad that it all went quick, everyone is okay and at home. I love the name too! Just to warn you, you have a boy, your house will NEVER be the same...but that's okay, it's worth it!
I am so so so so so happy for you. Sorry your epidural didn't work. That happened to me with Tabetha. He is beautiful and I love his name. I wasn't expecting any new about a baby until Monday, I'm glad for you that he came earlier. Congratulations.
Yay! Dahlia, you are AMAZING! I'm glad you made it through delivery. Also, I really like the name you chose. The right name is important and I appreciate the story behind Brayton's name. I can't wait to meet him! ~Amor
Congrats!!! And way to come on my due date! I'm glad you didn't have to wait long. :) Fun to have babies HERE!
What a cutie! Congratulations! The girls look so happy to be big sisters and Jeremy looks pretty proud too!
I grew up attending the Brayton Chapel for church! Love the name!!
Congratulations! He is so handsome, and definitely looks like he belongs in your family! I like the name too - and the story behind it! I'm happy for you!
God bless you guys! Brayton Thomas is such a cute name. What a trooper you were through your leg-numbing experience. Praise God that it was a fast labor and deliver! I'm so excited for you guys. What a blessing.
Love you!
Hey guys! I admit, when Jeremy called and told us at around 7 that you were at a 3, we thought it would be a LONG night:) I'm so so glad that it wasnt, and that you are such a trooper to brave the delivery with a failed epidural! He is so sweet. I think he looks like Abby. We'll have to come see him soon, when everything settles down a little. Love you! Congrats!
He is absolutely beautiful! You look amazing too! Sounds like it went pretty fast even though it was a little painful without your epidural really working! I love his name too! Glad to hear that everyone is healthy and happy. I can't wait to come see him!!
Oh Dahlia, he's beautiful. Sorry I'm not very eloquent as I can barely see the screen as I'm tearing up a bit. I LOVE his name too. Good job, I am so proud of you and our wonderful new nephew. We love all of you and I can't wait meet him in person (keep praying for us that we'll get there). We love you.
Wow. What a story! Congrats and good luck.
Thanks for sharing this with us! I, too, loved your decision and reasons for the name. Those girls look so cute holding their little brother. Congrats!
Yeah, I'm so happy for you guys! Brayton is such a cute name, I love it! I'm so glad that your delivery went well and pretty quick, though your epidural wasn't as much of a help to you. I hope you are doing okay and everything heals up quickly. Let me know if I can take your girls for you or help out in any way. Congrats!!!
Congrats! We are so excited for you. He is adorable. Can't wait to meet him. Please let me know if there's anything we can do for you. I have really enjoyed getting to know you. Talk to you soon!
Congratulations Dahlia! What a handsome little boy. What a neat name. I hear you on the labor and delivery. I had to wait for my epidural too...I just wanted to die. But at least mine worked. I don't know how you survived. I think you are right, third time is the charm. I recovered so fast after my delivery of Emalia I could hardly believe it. Have fun and good luck. Love, Jackie
I am very happy to share my birthday with such a beatiful little boy!! Congrats guys, you did good. Give my new nephew a hug and a kiss from his Aunt Melissa and Cousin Tayllor. Oh, and I LOVE the name!!! Love you guys.
Good looking kid, the father looks so excited to have yet another mouth to feed.
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