Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fresh Air

We didn't sleep well last night. You may think it's because of Brayton, but no, it wasn't. He's a great sleeper at night, waking about 6-8 hours after his last meal, which is anywhere from 5:30am to even 8:00 am! The girls were up at 4:00 this morning. Both of them. Abbie was yelling for daddy and Madeline was yelling for Abbie to stop. They wanted to sleep in our bed. Both of them. Jeremy always obliges. Always. So all FIVE of us were in our QUEEN bed. It was alright for a short while because the girls must have fallen back to sleep...because I remember having a dream about putting them back in their beds...but at 6:00 the girls were yip yapping again. Both of them. Jeremy took them back to their room (after I complained enough that they'd wake the baby, who slept through ALL of it) and camped out on their floor until a more decent hour (7:58).

That's so not right - Brayton should be waking me up, not Abbie & Maddie!

Anyone of my family members can tell you that I'm not too patient when it comes to interrupted sleep. I can get a bit grumpy....ok, a lot grumpy. So I'm going to try and change that trait. Today was different. I didn't even try to get some choppy sleep on the couch while the kids tear the house apart with the TV attempting to babysit them (which now gets unplugged promptly after breakfast). We went for a walk.
I made sure Brayton was fed, burped and changed before loading him up in the Snugli and packing the girls into the double stroller. It is a beautiful day and we should be so lucky to have 50 degree (ABOVE zero) weather to enjoy. We strolled around the neighborhood for a good half-hour and then played at the playground before going inside for some hot chocolate and lunch. It felt so refreshing to have some clean, crisp air to breathe. I worked up a sweat pushing that stroller up hills and down. Fresh air really lifted my spirits and woke me up. I'm going to take the kiddos out for fresh air as much as I can.

It was hard to enjoy fresh air at 45 below because your lungs and skin burn. It took so long to get everyone in their snow gear to go play for just a few minutes before we froze. I lived on a dirt road with no sidewalks and it was hard to push a stroller on, especially with all that snow. All those excuses are gone - we are so lucky to be here in Kansas. So go, get yourself some fresh air...bundle up to check your mail or be happy you can go out in a t-shirt. It will make you feel alive.


The Mattesons said...

I am jealous!!! I wish I could take my kiddos out to play but with it being -30 to -55 the last couple days and lasting for a few more we are stuck in the house. Enjoy the good weather for us and play at the park for the boys. Wish we were there to play with you guys. I REALLY miss you Dahlia! Have a great day!

Melissa said...

HA!! No fresh air or strolls around the neighborhood anytime soon. Supposed to be -60 by Friday, ugh!! So, be very thankful you are there and not here and can enjoy that fresh air. Hugs and kisses to all!! Miss ya guys

Unknown said...

I want to go outside. Acutally just walking would be nice at this point. This cast is really starting to itch roo. Love and miss you guys. Wish we could be walking around with you.

Kim said...

I can totally relate to having 3 kids in bed. We have 3 in bed with us almost every night. I get so stiff I can barely move in the morning. Enjoy that warm weather while you can. If you guys come back here you'll be dreaming of those 50 degree winter days when it is -40 here. I have been dreaming of Hawaii for 4 years now.
Happy New Year!

Stephanie said...

LOL! It's great that you got to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. Take a deep breath of it for me. It's chilly here, but not nearly as bad today as Fairbanks has been. Between Big Lake and Anchorage, we've had -33 to -22...but today is in the - single digits. But supposed to get to -27 here on Tuesday. This is an early cold snap...that has lasted almost 2 weeks for us now...quite unusual. Man...I think of all the times when we could go outside during the summer...only a handful of months left until we can again in just a jacket. LOL...a handful of months...that's a lot. Oh well. Be blessed in Kansas! Love ya girl!