Thursday, January 22, 2009

School has DEFINITELY started

I know FOR SURE that law school has started again when I had this conversation with Maddie last night:
"Mom, does daddy live with us?"
"Yes honey, he's just busy with school."
"Oh. I miss him."
"I do too."

I never thought I'd hear that question. Jeremy is busy with school, flying, Boy Scouts, and more school. He does find time to spend with the girls, but this was just one hectic day the girls didn't see much of him during their waking hours. He gets to spend the evening with them today though! I've got kickboxing....


Megan said...

Awww...I find myself asking ME that same question! See you tonight!

Annie Duckworth said...

I've often thought of how grateful I am that Brooklyn is so young. She won't remember how busy law school was!

Where do you go to kickboxing?

Kim said...

Kickboxing sounds oh so fun.

The Mattesons said...

I had to giggle a little when I read this. Don't you just love what kids say and think?! Hope you had fun at kick boxing.