Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Winter Storm

Jeremy and I awoke to cheers of "it snowed, it snowed!" this morning from Madeline. She then headed right to the Christmas tree to look for presents.
Apparently, snow = Christmas morning in her little mind.

Jeremy headed out for another marathon study day at the law library (finals are this week and next), I put Brayton down for his morning nap and got the girls and myself dressed in our winter gear.

There is snow!!

The snow was perfectly wet enough to make snowmen. I haven't done that in YEARS! I worked up a sweat pushing huge snowballs around our "backyard" (the playground) and the girls ran around with runny noses trying to sled down a hill.

We had so much fun that hour. It now feels like Christmas.

The girls named our snowman Abigail Kate (can you guess who's idea that was?)

We could really use some coat hangers by the front door.

Abbie teased Brayton with her candy cane...

So he got to have one of his own too - and finished it off super quick!

Nothing warms a body after winter outdoor play than getting dressed in a skirt and sitting on the heater vent with some hot chocolate!

The End.


Melissa said...

I love, love, LOVE reading your stories and looking at your pictures!! I miss seeing the kiddos, even if it was only occasionally. They are getting SO big! Hugs to everyone please!! Love you guys

Anna said...

so fun! I can't wait to build a snowman. We got your package yesterday, thank you that was very swwet of you all. The girls loved the headbands. I kept the magnets for myself :)

Mary said...

We got our first snow this past Saturday. I love playing in it and I finally feel ready for Christmas too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast today!!! I love the snow, and yes for me it feels like Christmas now!! Oh and the snowman were very impressive!!!