Monday, October 6, 2008

The Neighbor's Web

Our neighbor went all out at making a HUGE spider web and even put a big mechanical spider in it. The girls love it!!! They'll walk up to it very cautiously and just stare. It's nice to see Halloween decorations that aren't buried in snow ;)
It's hard to see the black spider with it's glowing green eyes in these photos, but it's in there on the right...


Star Gazer said...

I love her hair! She's adorable!

A. Pearce said...

Yay! Happy Halloween! Maybe I'll take the kids over to see the giant Spider Web; it sounds like something right up Brayden's alley. ~ Amor

The Mattesons said...

Abby is soooo big now...and that hair, I LOVE IT!! She is so cute!

Stacey said...

That spider web looks great! I love Halloween decorations that aren't too scary. Abby is so cute too!!