Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tub time

Brayton was finally able to have a real tub bath last night! He didn't really like it at first, but as soon as I filled the tub with more water up to his neck, he LOVED it! He just floated around (fully supported of course) and became his peaceful little self again. The girls were excited to watch him take a bath and had to be herded out of the bathroom because they crowded around too closely (falling shampoo bottles are not a good thing!). He did great!

He loves the deep, warm water. He's calm enough to strike a pose.

Now that he's out of the water and in his cozy little towel, the sisters can maul him again!


Blake and Breanna said...

What a cute towel!! HAHA He is so sweet.

Kelly, Amber, Bailey and Vaughn said...

Oh Dahlia, he is just so tiny and sweet! I LOVE bath time...all warm, wet, and clean. Kiss him for me, right on his cute little forehead.

A. Pearce said...

What a fun moment. The first bath is always an adventure.

Amy said...

He is precious!

Stacey said...

What a cutie! Looks like the bath was a success. Glad to see more pictures of him and the girls. What a fun family you have!!

Kim said...

Oh, he is so cute and sweet,and
we definately understand about the crowding here at our house. I sometimes think Katie is going to smother poor Mya, but babys need lots of love, right.

Caleb and Casey said...

That is so cute and precious. I love how he just looks so relaxed in the water up to his neck. Dahlia you are awesome, and you look great! Let me know if you want me to take your girls for a few hours for a break.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby! Congrats! We miss you guys! p.s. I found a link to your blog on someone elses, hope you dont mind! :)
