Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Family Is Of God

The other day Madeline was doing her normal singing and coloring when I realized it was a new song, one I haven't heard before, but one she's learning in Primary at church. I asked her to sing it to me so she stopped coloring, put her hands out in a "calm down" motion and said, "OK mom, it goes like this..." and then started to sing to me. It was perfect and sublime and so inspiring. I was moved to tears. It has such a beautiful, true and vital message that I want to share with each of you. Please take just a moment to listen to it HERE.
I am so thankful for my family - my fiercely loyal husband who would do anything to make us happy, to let us know that he loves us and that God loves us and my sweet children who have a pure, unconditional love for everyone. I am thankful that I can be with them forever, as the covenants of a temple marriage afford us that great blessing.

"God gave us families, to help us become what He wants us to be. This is how He shares His love, for the family is of God."


Amy said...

Those family pictures are incredible! They are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for your post. I got goose bumps reading it!

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful family! I love the pictures! They all have character and not just typical family portraits. God knows what He's doin' putting you all together.

Blessings to you and yours,

A. Pearce said...

Dahlia you are so great. Thank you for this post.

Kelly, Amber, Bailey and Vaughn said...

Hmm, I'll try this again (if it duplicates I'm sorry). Anyway, I'm glad you posted so that I can tell you how beautiful the new pictures are. As for Maddie's song...out of the mouths of babes (isn't it?). I believe that children teach us so much more than we teach them and I'm glad that you had one of those moments of being touched by her heart. It is not surprising though as to know you and your family is to feel the love that you share for God, for each other, those of us blessed enough to call you family or friend, and truly anyone who has has had the lucky opportunity to have met you. You and Jeremy are an inspiration to many and I am thankful that I get to have the opportunity to experience you both and to learn from what you teach us. Your family is beautiful from the inside out and anyone who has ever met you knows that. I have never met anyone who lives their lives with such conviction and I respect you more than you'll ever know for that. We love you.

Ina & co. said...

You inspire me.... And I LOVE those pictures!! :)

The Mattesons said...

Thank you for the know it's not nice to make a pregnant lady cry, right?!! I LOVE YOUR FAMILY PICTURES (yes, imagine I am yelling that at you!). You have such a beautiful family Dahlia, inside and out. WE MISS YOU (yelling again)!!!

Anonymous said...

you guys are soo cute... we miss you too...

Jacob & Tia Sampson said...

Those are some great pictures. Brayton is getting so big and he is ADORABLE! We love your husband as well, he is a great HT.

Stacey said...

Those are great pictures. Thanks for letting me see the other ones too! Your family is so cute! You are such a great person!

Cheri said...

I love all these pictures! They're just adorable and the girls' dresses are so sweet.

Matt and Amanda Coleman said...

What a beautiful little song! And your family pictures are amazing! You guys are wonderful! I miss you!