A couple posts ago, I had a link to a song Madeline (and every other LDS primary child) is learning this year. Well, the song is based on the Proclamation to the World and talks about what roles a father and mother have. "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families."
Jeremy presides, provides and protects us amazingly.
This morning, Abbie and I were sitting on the couch reading a book while I nursed Brayton. She got down to get a new book and promptly threw up all over the couch and floor. Poor girl. I thought she just had a full tummy and squished it as she slid off the couch on her belly, or that the orange juice and milk weren't mixing well in there. Frankly, I didn't want to face the reality that she was sick. I got the mess and Abbie all cleaned up and everyone piled in the car to take Jeremy to school.
Jeremy said that after dropping him off, just to be on the safe side, I should forgo the grocery shopping trip (I have taken all 3 to the store successfully now) and go straight home. Do you think I'm crazy for actually thinking I'd go shopping with a kid who just threw up? Well, I would have gone - it was just going to be quick - in and out. I listened to him. I went home. Six minutes after getting through our door, the puke-fest began again.
I've learned a few things today:
1. Abbie IS sick. She's now quarantined on the couch. It's all hers today.
C. Orange juice does make milk curdle. I've seen it.
4. I should listen to the presiding protector of the family, even if I think I can do what is not suggested.
This may sound like such a trivial and obvious situation, but I'm glad I listened to my husband today. That would have been an embarrassing shopping trip.
***Maddie got sick this evening, so to add to the list of things learned...
D. Kid throw up is magic. It can make 2 loads of laundry turn into SEVEN. Seriously, I've still got two more loads to do and it's 8:30pm.
5. Five hours after consuming an orange, it looks like chewed up pineapple, but doesn't smell like it. Gross, I know.
D. Kid throw up is magic. It can make 2 loads of laundry turn into SEVEN. Seriously, I've still got two more loads to do and it's 8:30pm.
5. Five hours after consuming an orange, it looks like chewed up pineapple, but doesn't smell like it. Gross, I know.
That was such a great post. Isn't it awesome how god designed families. Dad's have a role and mothers have a role, and they compliment each other.Thanks for the reminder that I need to trust my husband more.
Miss you guys. Hope Abbie gets better soon.
I hope she is feeling better. Savannah has been sick for the last 3 days with puking and now pooping. I hope it doesn't last as long as Savannah's has. Let us know if you need anything.
I too LOVED the post. It was perfectly insightful. Thanks. And what a good reminder too.
Dads are great and they are even better when they are home to clean up the puke!
My hat off to you for living through such a day. I'm not sure how you do it.
Oh no! I feel for all of you! That is no fun to have sick kids especially when you are the one cleaning up the puke!! Glad you listened to Jeremy too. It is those types of intuition that are so helpful with sick kids! Good luck with the laundry and everything else. PLEASE let me know if you need anything at all!
Ahh, sorry the kids are sick. We had a visit from the stomach bug last week...I didn't know that darn thing could travel so quickly. Hope they are better soon. Remind me to stop reading your blog during my lunch break though...on the upside, it works well for my diet. My love to you all.
I'm sorry to hear Abbie is sick. Did the other kids get it, or did she get it from them? Please don't share (I know Alaska is far away, but still). Hugs and kisses to everyone. Miss and love you guys!!
I love you Dahlia, posts like these are why I NEED you down the street! And so sorry the girls are sick, but atleast it's all at once and not every couple of days. Hope the girls are feeling better soon and no one else gets it.
I'm so so sorry they were sick. NOT FUN! I am SOOOO sorry if we gave it to you. I'm glad you're all doing better. Hopefully next week we can do some park days.
I left an award for you on my blog! I think you're great!
ohh i hate it when my littl eguy is sick... i just feel so helpless... im glad u went home too that would have been bad... morgan threw up in our rental car a couple of months ago as we were turning it in... that was a fun one!!
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